
  • dario
  • fredag, maj 1, 2020

The COVID-19(84) p(l)andemic

The computer generated 3D model of the SARS-CoV2 “virus” on the picture is a good example of a situation - the one we are still in - that has a lot more to do with computer models and manipulation of data and information than with reality.

I collected the main points of my personal research of this years, with the precious contribution and on the shoulders of many respectable medical doctors that were brave enough to expose their thoughts and experiences and to whom I give all the credits.

Among others, a special mention must go to Andrew Kaufman, Sam and Mark Bailey, Thomas Cowan and some of the World Docrors Alliance members.

Do your own research, do not believe anything anyone say without some fair verification. Today anyone can do that, and it is therefore anyone’s responsibility.


Are vaccines doing what is being claimed? If you do not support mafia and conflicts of interest, especially if at the expense of people’s health and life, then there’s quite a bit here, as most of the pharmaceutical companies and their products are indeed on this page.

By admission of their creators, as well as the governments and several members of the Bill Gates co-funded World Health Organisation, the COVID-19 vaccines have the aim to reduce the symptoms, but have nothing to do with the containment of the SARS-CoV2 “virus” (that’s also why they are not called SARS-CoV2 vaccines!). They said already clearly from the beginning that even after the vaccination campaigns, social distancing, masks and self imprisonment will still be enforced. So they don’t stand even inside their own narrative.

There are also very founded concerns about many of the ingredients of the vaccines compromising fertility and immune response, apart from being unethical (cells coming from aborted babies and animals).

Last but not least

  • Forcing vaccinations violates the Nuremberg code, despite what some alleged and self proclaimed “fact checkers” say. Because the vaccines are considered experimental, not having been clinically tested and being enforced under special emergency concessions (otherwise they could never have been approved).
  • The pharmaceutical corporations involved in the production of COVID-19 were already granted legal immunity for any consequence that may derive from the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines even before their creation.

“If silence is consent, acquiescing is collaboration”.