Church Organist
I can lift up your church with taylored organ music and accompaign the hymns with fresh energy, variations and attention for the context and the contents. Congregations and Choirs are always enthusiastic.
39 years of experience, professionally trained, always trying to improve and innovate.
From the Organ Building School in Crema, Italy. New Instruments, Restaurations, Maintainance and Service. Tuning and Reparations.
I can assist with new organs, including acoustic analysis, restaurations and rebuilding of existing instruments, audio systems for churches and halls, open source solutions and IT help.
I always wanted to understand how things work. Is it Music, Sound, IT, Software, Electronics, Networking, Languages, Coffee… the method is the same and the results are up to expectations.
I like to take a look under the hood, to understand things and their nature beyond their appearence.
A Pipe Organ is a perfect example: it is a complex machine made of many simple parts, you need to know it both as a whole and down to each and every detail to be able to go anywhere.
This is both a Side Effect and a Passion, when one doesn’t stop at the surface. Takes time and effort, but pays off at every single achievement.
Open Source doesn’t only mean computer programs. Knowledge itself is ment to be Open for everyone. The true scientific method is in fact the possibility to test and verify.
What ever you may be interested in, let me know, let’s talk about it!
Start a Collaboration with me!I can lift up your church with taylored organ music and accompaign the hymns with fresh energy, variations and attention for the context and the contents. Congregations and Choirs are always enthusiastic.
I know organs from the bottom up, and will always try to match music, instruments and the acoustics to get the best results. I love the Art of Improvisation and to make the audience part of the concert.
I can handle also the technical side of an organ, from its construction from scratch to tuning it to perfection. Please contact me for any questions you may have and if you need a quotation.
Church and Concert Organ, Piano, Harpsichord, Composition, Music Theory, Ear Training, Computer Music, Audio Editing and Mastering.
From professional grade Audio, Video and Graphics (even on refurbished computers running Linux) to Phones and Tablets running AOSP (Android Open Source Project) without Google services.
I follow coffee beans from their origin to the cup, I enjoy an Espresso from freshly and properly roasted coffee. I can roast for you and help out with your setup for an enhanced coffee experience!
It is a pleasure to have you at the organ! The music flows along and it is easy and natural to sing for everybody!
There is a lot of Theology already in the way you accompany the hymns! The harmonies and the stops you chose are further keys to reading and interpretation.
We were told that we had to change all our sound system, but since you adjusted it properly, it works better than it ever did before!
We were paying a lot for external services, but none of us knew why. We are using your system that we run ourselves, based on NextCloud, and we are very happy!
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Read morePraesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
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It was a musical voyage. We never even thought that our organ could do so much and sound like this!