Om mig


Hjemmesidens ejer og forfatter.

Mine artikler

Android uden Google

I use only phones and tablets with AOSP (Android Open Source Project) and without any Google service on them since 2017.

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Digital Liv

If technology by itself can and should help, the big corporations and those who own and drive them demonstrate to be working consequently against humanity and its growth.

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Jeg begyndte mine musikalske studier hos Remo Breda (klaver, teori og ørelære), da jeg var 5 år gammel.

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After those used for the Corona operation, more computer models here. For some years every single newspaper or news outlet were all about the latest evolution of the virus and its variants, suddenly the Climate Change narrative took over, being inside or behind most of the stories we hear.

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The COVID-19(84) p(l)andemic

The computer generated 3D model of the SARS-CoV2 “virus” on the picture is a good example of a situation - the one we are still in - that has a lot more to do with computer models and manipulation of data and information than with reality.

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